The Open University is the largest provider of part-time undergraduate higher education in Wales. It is a world leader in providing innovative and flexible distance learning opportunities at higher education level, including undergraduate, postgraduate and access courses.
Events by this organisation

How The Open University in Wales can help develop volunteers
Wed 5 Jun 2024, 12:30pm
The Open University in Wales has developed the ‘Getting Ahead with Volunteering’ programme in partnership with regional voluntary councils and WCVA. It helps volunteers improve their knowledge and skills so that they get the most of volunteering – or even go on to a more advanced volunteering role.
Some of the topics we look at include:
resilience and wellbeing
further learning.
In this session, we’ll discuss how Getting Ahead with Volunteering can help you and your organisation. The Open University in Wales also wants to hear your ideas on how the programme can be developed in the future.