
Gofod3 Event Topic: Topic - Governance

Turning the page with Dr Helen Stephenson CBE: her insights and vision
Dr Helen Stephenson CBE is the Charity Commission’s longest serving Chief Executive. At the helm for over seven years, Dr Stephenson has navigated the complexit
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Complying with the law and protecting people’s rights
More and more people are becoming aware of their personal data and how it’s being used. Charities and voluntary organisations that want to be trusted must get i
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Independent examination in charity governance – why it’s important and how to get involved
Explore the role of independent examination in supporting good governance, what to look for in an independent examination, and why you might consider training a
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Drop in session: the real Living Wage – getting your accreditation and making the most of it
Join this drop in session with Cynnal Cymru, the Living Wage Foundation’s accreditation partner for Wales, to hear more about how you can support your organisat
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