Gofod3 All events: Event Type - Workshop / talk
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Understanding and reshaping Welsh Government funding standards
This is a Welsh Government session that will guide you through the new (draft) ‘Code of Practice for Funding the Third Sector’, due to be published later in the
Change is inevitable, progress is not: why we need a new kind of leadership
Do you want to be inspired? This session will help you to think with bigger horizons, have better conversations, and deliver greater impact. Come along to this
Creating hope and healing: working in a trauma informed way to address community mental health
Be part of Platfform’s work to advance the conversation around mental health in the context of social justice and system change. Come along to this session to l
Sut gall y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru helpu i ddatblygu gwirfoddolwyr
This is an opportunity to learn more about The Open University’s ‘Getting Ahead with Volunteering’ programme. Find out how it could help you and your organisati
Drop in session: the real Living Wage – getting your accreditation and making the most of it
Join this drop in session with Cynnal Cymru, the Living Wage Foundation’s accreditation partner for Wales, to hear more about how you can support your organisat
Establishing a fundraising network
Securing sustainable funding is a constant challenge for organisations in the voluntary sector. Come along to this supportive session, where you can join others
Building communities and enabling volunteering pathways through Tempo Time Credits
Come along to this relaxed session to find out how Tempo Time Credits could be of benefit to you, your work and your volunteers. Who is Tempo and what are Tempo
Independent examination in charity governance – why it’s important and how to get involved
Explore the role of independent examination in supporting good governance, what to look for in an independent examination, and why you might consider training a
Social Leaders Cymru – working together to develop leadership in Wales
Join us to have your say about the future of leadership development for the voluntary sector in Wales. Learn about the free leadership development programmes ta
What we’ve learnt about partnership: Volunteering Wales Strategic Grants
In this session Snowdonia Society, Sported and RCT Climate Action Network will present their learning as Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant (VWSG) awardees. Sno